My love, I see you...
💫 Your emotional landscape feels often confusing, overwhelming and exhausting to navigate and recover from
💫 You try so hard to "think positive" about life, but when stress and overwhelm take over, you feel like all of that goes out the window, and you're back at square one
💫 As a child you weren't taught how to safely experience, express and release challenging emotions or stress. So you repress, ignore or downplay them (only to find that they build up and come out more intensely in other ways).
💫 You were always told that stress and "negative" emotions were a reflection of a bad mindset
💫 You often feel disconnected from your body and ignore its cues
💫 You feel guilty or ashamed for having certain emotions, so you keep them quiet and pushed down
It's time to join a wave of rooted, resourced & resilient women who are using the innate wisdom of their body to:
~ rewrite the cycles of stress & emotional overwhelm
~ find peace in their own skin
~ reclaim an empowered sense of self